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Location: Silver Spring, Maryland, United States

I'm a geek and musician in the Washington DC-area. I love open source software, ukuleles, creating YouTube videos, teaching people things, play, boosting personal autonomy, community building, self-directed learning, libraries, storytelling, math, the maker movement, edcamps, the great indoors, barns, dance, poetry, entrepreneurship, mnemonics, and I forget the rest.

Monday, January 16, 2006

When you know you can help

When you know you can help, it's difficult to stand by and not do so.

I read this article in the Washington Post and decided I need to contact the Maryland State Department of Education -- in particular the Maryland Mathematics Commission. "In October 1999, the State Superintendent of Schools formed the Maryland Mathematics Commission. The Commission reviewed data on how Maryland students perform in mathematics, and considered ways to improve that performance statewide."

I'll be telling the Maryland Mathematics Commission about some educational software I designed 15 years ago that is now available for free. This software is able to run on Windows and Macintosh computers using emulation software. I believe this software may help students develop a love of problem solving that will make learning algebra -- a gateway subject -- into less of a traumatic experience.

I'll be documenting my communication with the Maryland Mathematics Commission here. Sometimes when you're on a journey, it's beneficial to all to keep a log of that journey.

The reason I am embarking on this journey is that yesterday afternoon I installed the Number Squares logic puzzles on a friend's iMac and his 1st grade son took great delight in solving the puzzles. I commented to my friends: "This software will make it much easier for your son when he gets to algebra."

Now I want everyone else's sons and daughters to have the same opportunity I passed along to my friend's son. I can't do it alone, though. I need the help of the Maryland State Department of Education and anyone else who cares about this issue.


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